J.C. Wingo

J.C. Wingo
Chairman of the Board
J.C. has been involved in the sporting goods industry in many aspects for over 40 years. His roles have stretched from collegiate player to sporting goods executive, and the designer of protective equipment used by NFL players. He was the founder of United Sports Labs and designed Power Protective Equipment, a shoulder pad line utilizing his patented air impact system. The Power shoulder pad became the premium shoulder pad in the NFL and for two decades worn by 80% of the NFL players. United Sports Labs was acquired by Riddell Sports in 1988. Utilizing his knowledge in protective equipment he created a new line of shoulder pads and in less than three years Riddell became the leader in shoulder pad sales. Wingo served as Vice President of Marketing and later became President and CEO of Riddell Sports Inc. As President of Riddell, he worked very closely with all NFL and NCAA teams as well as NFL properties and the league office. During this time, he assisted in the landmark licensing agreement which made Riddell the official helmet of the NFL. After leaving Riddell Sports he formed Wingo Sports Group, Inc. Later he launched Wingo Sports Labs, a premier product development firm. He continued to design protective equipment applied to many sports. Notably he patented technology allowing moisture and heat to escape the pad allowing the athlete to maintain a consistent core body temperature. These products were considered a major breakthrough in protective equipment. Wingo licensed this technology to Schutt Sports.
He then joined Schutt Sports as Executive Director of Product Development. He redesigned the entire shoulder pad line as well as other football and baseball protective products. His ability to market, build brands, and design cutting-edge protective equipment puts him in a class by himself. In addition to Riddell and Schutt he has consulted for Vicis Helmet and several other players in athletic protection. Wingo currently is listed as inventor on an impressive 25 patents with the USPTO. The products Wingo has designed and patented have accounted for over $300 million dollars in sales. Today J.C. continues to consult and design for major U.S. manufacturers.